Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Oregon Standoff Militia - Arrests and Death

Robert Finicum, 55, of Cane Beds, AZ., labeled “tarp man” by MSNBC who interviewed him through his tarp some weeks back, was one of the Oregon Standoff militia that seized government property, was shot dead yesterday in a standoff with the FBI on a highway 50 miles from the seized Oregon property. ( Cane Beds Az, is a road intersection five miles south of the Utah border btw. )
Finicum is quoted as having had his hands up after getting out of his car yelling “Hands up. Don’t shoot!” according to our grazing thief hero in chief Cliven Bundy. Oh, how the federal government to so cruel and unjust? Buy more guns? ‪#‎Oregon‬


Lays Potato Chips and Cannibalism of Mr. and Mrs. Potato Head

Mr. and Mrs. Potato Heads Practicing Closet Cannibalism care of Lay's Corporate Marketing Vision

Lays Potato Chips and Cannibalism of Mr. and Mrs. Potato Head

I know this is silly – but – Prima Facie – am I being stupid or just plain old fashioned and obsolete – but aren’t Mr. and Mrs. Potato Head in the Lay’s commercial eating potato chips – didn’t that used to be called Cannibalism? 

The picture connotes Closet Cannibalism? LOL? 

(And of course, when I was a kid, my Mr. Potato Head, a bachelor for sure, which I got at Christmas, came with instructions to get a big real potato from the pantry to stick the eyes and ears into etc. A bit unsanitary. But hey I didn't die of e-coli, so common these days I might add.)


Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Chris Christie – He is so real as a person

Chris Christie – He is so real as a person.

"All over the state? All over the state? Really?" he said at the Hooksett, New Hampshire, rally. "There's been one county that's flooded in the state. That was Cape May County. So I don't know where from all over the state, since we have 21 counties, where that's happened."

He then quipped back: "Do you want me to go down there with a mop?"


God Bless America But Not Ted Cruz

"Pastor" Rafael Cruz - 1986
"All I want are Tits and World Domination" Ted Cruz Video - 1986

God Bless America But Not Ted Cruz

I don’t know what “Evangelicals” means in Iowa. But they are believers in their imaginary friend in the sky. And if their children want to be Agnostic or Secular, their children will be ostracized and shunned. That sounds like Islam with secular laws in Muslim countries making it a crime or a death sentence to change religions or choose not to believe. That really sucks.

So in my point of view, the Muslims pray five times a day to their imaginary god thing. They sound quite stupid to me in my western civilization mindset. A lot like Iowa Evangelicals. They too sound stupid to me in my western civilized mindset. 

Getting back to Evangelicals in Iowa who are mindless fundamentalist Christians who believe every word in the very confusing contradictory passages of the Bible which is a combination of both the Hebrew and the Greek Testaments.

Ted Cruz, his political campaign has just declared "christian jihad" on the Trump Campaign in order to gain power and world domination, something Ted Cruz has been brainwashed all his life as something he wants as the goal of his miserable nasty pointless life.

And of course, Ted has been led by his grifter Gypsy father who claims to have started in Cuban as a person. But with a half century wall erected around Cuba, there is no way to check out the life story of the grifter “Pastor” father Rafael Cruz Senior etc. Ted’s real name is Rafael Cruz Junior btw.

The old man has been going around for years as pastor of a fictitious church in Carrollton Texas that is only a mail drop at some strip store mailing shop. Rafael Cruz is however a paid consultant of the right wing think tank Heritage Foundation who sees no conflict of mixing politics with religion just like those other barbarians and enemies of civilization, the Muslims.

If I was a full believer and merely Agnostic, I would call Pastor Cruz satanic and or of Satan in terms of the evil he preaches against races and immigrants and talks to religious groups all the time about using churches as data bases and delivery points of bodies to vote on and in elections, in clear violation of separation of church and state and non-profit tax laws.

Know your enemy without. Know your enemy within.

God bless America but not Ted Cruz. 


Friday, January 22, 2016

Putin Recreates His Role (Snake in the Trees) From The Garden of Eden

"Tea with a snake." - "All I had was tea with a snake!" insisted Eve in the Garden of Eden as she served her man Adam his lunch of Waldorf Salad. ~~ Anonymous Comment


Thursday, January 21, 2016

Papal Knight Jimmy Savile Raped Children As Young As Nine At The BBC

Investigative news site Exaro has published findings of Dame Janet Smith’s review into the depraved entertainer and BBC television presenter, who was exposed as a prolific sexual predator and paedophile a year after his death in 2011.

The review, which has said it will publish its report in six weeks’ time, said the leaked findings were from an early draft of the report and that “significant changes” had since been made to its “contents and conclusions”.

According to Exaro, the review’s findings highlight multiple rapes and indecent assaults on girls and boys at the hands of Savile and “inappropriate sexual conduct” with teenagers above 16 - all “in some way associated with the BBC”.

“Three of Savile’s victims were only nine-years-old,” it says.

Exaro reports that Smith criticises the BBC for a “very deferential culture”, with many BBC employees telling the review that they had heard about Savile’s predatory reputation but feared reporting their concerns to managers.

It also warns that “a predatory child abuser could be lurking undiscovered in the BBC even today”.


Sarah Palin a Million Dollar Petty Cash Campaign Expense for Donald Trump?

Soccer mom, Momma bear, Sarah Palin dropped her falling down-drunk kids in Wasilla to perform on stage for Donald Trump in one of the weirdest performance of her failing career as "hostess" to the men of the GOP ruling circle.


Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Janet Hubert Trash talks Jada Pinkett Smith and Will Smith’s Production Co. and Their $$ Motives for a Call to Boycott Oscars

Give an Oscar to Jaden Smith and shut up momma Jada and daddy Will talking discrimination and quotas for African Americans at the Academy and their call for a boycott to up profits with more Affermiative Action regarding Oscar nominations at the Will Smith Production company etc. I think? 

23 Jan 2016 - In Lieu of Blackout on YouTube, a link:


David Bowie - I'm Afraid of Americans

I’m Afraid of Americans (Nine Inch Nails V1 mix)
By David Bowie
Nah-nah-nah-nah nah-nah nah-nah-nah
Jonny's in America
no tax at the wheel
Ah-ah-ah-ah ah-ah ah-ah-ah
Nobody needs anyone
They don't even just pretend
Ah-ah-ah-ah ah-ah ah-ah-ah
Jonny's in America
I'm afraid of Americans
I'm afraid of the world
I'm afraid I can't help it
I'm afraid I can't
I'm afraid of Americans
I'm afraid of the world
I'm afraid I can't help it
I'm afraid I can't
I'm afraid of Americans
Jonny's in America
Nah-nah-nah-nah nah-nah nah-nah-nah
Jonny wants a brain
Jonny wants to suck on a Coke
Jonny wants a woman
Jonny wants to think of a joke
Nah-nah-nah-nah nah-nah nah-nah-nah
Jonny's in America
Nah-nah-nah-nah nah-nah nah-nah-nah
I'm afraid of Americans
I'm afraid of the world
I'm afraid I can't help it
I'm afraid I can't
I'm afraid of Americans
I'm afraid of the world
I'm afraid I can't help it
I'm afraid I can't
I'm afraid of Americans
Nah-nah-nah-nah nah-nah nah-nah-nah
Jonny's in America
Jonny looks up at the stars
Jonny combs his hair
And Jonny wants pussy and cars
Johnny's in America, Nah-nah-nah-nah nah-nah nah-nah-nah
Jonny's in America, Nah-nah-nah-nah nah-nah nah-nah-nah
I'm afraid of Americans
I'm afraid of the world
I'm afraid I can't help it
I'm afraid I can't
I'm afraid of Americans
I'm afraid of the world
I'm afraid I can't help it
I'm afraid I can't
I'm afraid of Americans
God is an American
God is an American
I'm afraid of Americans
I'm afraid of the world
I'm afraid I can't help it
I'm afraid I can't
I'm afraid of Americans
I'm afraid of the world
I'm afraid I can't help it
I'm afraid I can't
Yeah, I'm afraid of Americans
I'm afraid of the words
I'm afraid I can't help it
I'm afraid I can't
I'm afraid of Americans
God is an American
God is an American
God is an American, Nah-nah-nah-nah nah-nah nah-nah-nah
God is an American, Nah-nah-nah-nah nah-nah nah-nah-nah
God is an American, Nah-nah-nah-nah nah-nah nah-nah-nah
God is an American, Nah-nah-nah-nah nah-nah nah-nah-nah


Thursday, January 14, 2016

Actor Michael Moriarty Sees Sarah Palin As A Goddess = LOL

Egyptian Goddess ISIS - a Real Goddess
Tomb of Seti I

(Public Domain)

Michael Moriarty, former ADA on Law and Order, a contributing foot soldier of the Anti-Christ Breitbart News Army.

Drug fueled words and the acts of actors – so transient.

Recently Sarah Palin has been accused of contributing to the cold-bloodedly insane shooting of Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords and the death of many others and she has responded eloquently and with increasing Presidential gravitas.

Sarah Palin doesn't hide who she is and what she really stands for. Most of the world leadership does hide. Though, as a huntress, Sarah hides from her quarry to get a good shot, the American public, thanks to television, were right there with her.

Millions of Americans watching Sarah hunt!

The Jesuits, while sharing with me the fruits of their motto, Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam, led me early in life into the mysteries of ancient Greece.

The most enlightened of the priests knew and still know that the Gods of Greek literature, from Zeus to Athena to Dionysius, have much to tell us about who and what we are, even as Catholics.

In the case of Sarah Palin, we have Artemis or, as she is more generally known, Diana The Huntress.

In the case of Sarah, however, she has now become a Mother Goddess.

Mamma Grizzly!

(T.C.C. - American diary in a global culture. "…I shall go on yelling "Tripe", whenever tripe is served." David Niven – Please Don’t Eat The Daisies -

Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Kim Davis a Whore of Babylon Takes Josh Duggar’s Evangelical Seat of Honor at State of the The Union

Kim Davis a whore of Babylon in a “Christian Nation” w/ her 3 marriages will take Josh Duggar’s seat at the State of the Union tonight courtesy of Family Research Council. She will be sitting in the peanut gallery with all the other hypocrites, closeted and perverted GOP tools of our current American Oligarcy.

( T.C.C. - American diary in a global culture. "…I shall go on yelling "Tripe", whenever tripe is served." David Niven – Please Don’t Eat The Daisies - )


Armed Extremists Mormon Rebellion in Oregon – Government Property Seized - Media's Candy-Assed Treatment of Armed White Thugs

The fuckiing bullshit media PC police are out posting this armed seizure of Government property in Oregon by a bunch of traitorous Joseph Smith wanna-bees, break away Mormon religious extremists as “militiamen” or “Anti-government protesters” (i.e. MSNBC).  

They are grown men with guns who don’t want to sit up in their temples in their Sunday White Underwear outfits but would rather be wearing white sheets in the desert, living in tents and beating up all their wives etc.

No fucking different than ISIS or Al-Qaeda, Sunni, Shia Muslim armed extremists, anarchists who want to tear my world down. Who want to steal my government owned land to sell or rent it to Koch Industries and set themselves up in the the State of Deseret according to their religious book of myths.

The British news media is already over this white male privilege thing. If gangs of unemployed blacks seized four square blocks of Baltimore and demanded to set up their own version of Utopia or Deseret, the national guard would already be bulldozing the dead bullet-ridden insurrectionist bodies out of the war zone.

Tell your media lies elsewhere MSNBC.

Their tiny penises, of these Mormon traitors, like their beliefs, should stay inside their pants and their houses of worship on Sunday in order to earn my respect and or tolerance of their weird private beliefs. That is what the first amendment is all about and not about hitting me over the head with a stick or shooting me in the back with an NRA approved WMD to steal my and or our common American national land held in trust for the ages and generations to come.

Ted Cruz is praying first for the traitors to resolve this peacefully and second that cops don’t get killed. No heart in that Pansy.

Rick Santorum identifies with the Deadbeat Bundy Polygamist Mormons and Company and blood cousins who can’t earn a living out west like their ancestors. Which is why Santorum wants the government to give land to these Domestic Terrorists. Goverment Welfare to his white male cronies. 

Well if there are no jobs in the prairies for your cows to eat free government grass, then you leave and emigrate if you don’t like the USA. Leave! Join your male comrades in the Middle East and kill and steal in the name of your mean false desert gods. 


Friday, January 1, 2016


A year expected to
be full of many
and major

