Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Texas’s Rump Parliament DBA TCC Texas Conservative Coalition 501(c)4 - Files Amicus Brief Regarding Marriage Equality

This Brief is filed with the consent of all parties.
No party’s counsel authored this Brief in whole or in part. No party or party’s counsel contributed money intended to fund preparing or submitting the Brief, and no person other than Amicus Curiae, its members, or its counsel contributed money that was intended to fund the preparing or submitting the Brief.

/s/ Russell H. Withers Russell H. Withers
Attorney of record for Amicus Curiae
Texas Conservative Coalition

TCC Texas Conservative Coalition Signers of Amicus Brief:

1-Brian Birdwell, Texas Senate

2-Donna Campbell, Texas Senate

3-Bob Deuell, Texas Senate

4-Craig Estes, Texas Senate

5-Troy Fraser, Texas Senate

6-Kelly Hancock, Texas Senate

7-Robert Nichols, Texas Senate

8-Dan Patrick, Texas Senate

9-Ken Paxton, Texas Senate

10-Charles Schwertner, Texas Senate

11-Larry Taylor, Texas Senate

12-Charles “Doc”Anderson, Texas House of Representatives

13-Trent Ashby, Texas House of Representatives

14-Cecil Bell, Jr., Texas House of Representatives

15-Dwayne Bohac, Texas House of Representatives

16-Dennis “Connass” Bonnen, Texas House of Representatives

17-Greg Bonnen, Texas House of Representatives

18-Angie Chen Button, Texas House of Representatives

19-Tom Craddick, Texas House of Representatives

20-Brandon Creighton, Texas House of Representatives

21-Myra Crownover, Texas House of Representatives

22-Gary Elkins, Texas House of Representatives

23-Pat Fallon, Texas House of Representatives

24-Allen Fletcher, Texas House of Representatives

25-Dan Flynn, Texas House of Representatives

26-James Frank, Texas House of Representatives

27-John Frullo, Texas House of Representatives

28-Craig Goldman, Texas House of Representatives

29-Larry Gonzales, Texas House of Representatives

30-Lance Gooden, Texas House of Representatives

31-Linda Harper-Brown, Texas House of Representatives

32-Harvey Hilderbran, Texas House of Representatives

33-Bryan Hughes, Texas House of Representatives

34-Jason Isaac, Texas House of Representatives

35-Phil King, Texas House of Representatives

36-Tim Kleinschmidt, Texas House of Representatives

37-Stephanie Klick, Texas House of Representatives

38-Lois Kolkhorst, Texas House of Representatives

39-Matt Krause, Texas House of Representatives

40-Jodie Laubenberg, Texas House of Representatives

41-George Lavender, Texas House of Representatives

42-Jeff Leach, Texas House of Representatives

43-Tryon Lewis, Texas House of Representatives

44-Rick Miller, Texas House of Representatives

45-Geanie Morrison, Texas House of Representatives

46-Jim Murphy, Texas House of Representatives

47-Rob Orr, Texas House of Representatives

48-John Otto, Texas House of Representatives

49-Tan Parker, Texas House of Representatives

50-Charles Perry, Texas House of Representatives

51-Larry Phillips, Texas House of Representatives

52-Scott Sanford, Texas House of Representatives

53-Matt Schaefer, Texas House of Representatives

54-Ralph Sheffield, Texas House of Representatives

55-Ron Simmons, Texas House of Representatives

56-John Smithee, Texas House of Representatives

57-Drew Springer, Texas House of Representatives

58-Van Taylor, Texas House of Representatives

59-Ed Thompson, Texas House of Representatives

60-Steve Toth, Texas House of Representatives

61-Scott Turner, Texas House of Representatives

62-James White, Texas House of Representatives

63-Bill Zedler, Texas House of Representatives


Why Does The G.O.P. Hate America So Much?

Strange Love of the Republican Party Towards America in 2014

Why does the G.O.P. hate America,
What America is it that it thinks it loves?
