Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Cold Hearted Global Spreadsheet Charlie Chaput in Philly Cuts Off Financial Tuition Aid to the Children of Clerical Sex Abuse Victims

I must say the stooges running around 222 N 17th Street in Philly are kissing tail, chasing their own tails, closing parishes, funding Pope Parties on the Parkway and stiffing the children of Sex Abuse Victims out of free tuition at Archdiocese schools.

Of course, this not so well known program had to stop. Money to victims? A quarter million and Spreadsheet Charlie, cheap, mean, tight, in on his temporary assignment, hatchet job before promotion, on the assets of the Philly Archdiocese, that and trying so hard to get that Red Hat, to enjoy forever in Hell, the floor of hell is covered in the skulls of bishops etc.

Well who would want to send their children to a Catholic school anyway after being raped by the priest cult of this Christian sect is beyond me???

After some attention in the press, the few that knew about this program have gotten a temporary reprieve for the generosity of the faithful of the Archdiocese of Philadelphia for the many sins of its so-called chast celibate hierarchy. Whatever.

With that aid cut off, he faced the prospect of uprooting his teenagers in the midst of their high school years.

 Church officials rebuffed months of repeated requests to plead his case with Archbishop Charles J. Chaput, he said.

 But after The Inquirer began asking questions about the tuition-relief program - and Woodruff's case in particular - church officials told him they would continue to cover his children's costs through graduation.

 Ken Gavin, a spokesman for the archdiocese, said Chaput had been considering "for some time" the decision to grandfather Woodruff's children and those of other participating victims through the tuition relief program's closure.

The decision to end the program in June came last year as the archdiocese struggled to dig itself out of a financial hole that has prompted layoffs, property sales, and the closure of parishes and schools.

 Gavin said a financial review of the archdiocese had prompted a reevaluation of how money set aside for victim services was spent.

 "The core mission of the [Victim's Assistance Program] is to provide for healing of the individual," he said. "As such, resources were directed toward modes of assistance directly related to that goal."

 He stressed that the school payments were just one of the myriad efforts the archdiocese's Office for Child and Youth Protection has made to combat sexual abuse and help victims, including offers of therapy and counseling to victims and mandatory training for its thousands of clergy and lay employees.

 To Woodruff, that explanation is lacking.

Pennsylvania Political Whores Corbett Nutter and Chaput Off to Rome to Woo Pope Francis for Expensive TaxPayer All-Expense Paid Visit to Philly in 2015 – Tuppence to the Poor

I know that whenever a major dignitary, head of state, comes to New York for a major state visit, the price tag to the taxpayers is usually in the tens of millions of dollars. The Fed usually kicks in some funds under the table because New York is host city to the United Nations.

And the price tag for such events goes up all the time. Benedict’s Trip to Madrid Spain in 2011 cost an estimated 72 million dollars that cash strapped Spain forked out for a Catholic event in a “Catholic” country.

I know that Francis is popular at the moment and all that, meaning he does not seem to be half the prick that Benedict is and or John Paul was in real life but get a life Catholics.

Governor Corbett who cuts back on school aid, food stamps and everything else non-white-surburban middle class wants to drum up a visit of Francis to a Catholic Family Conference in Philly in 2015.

Benedict had already promised and hey it will bring an estimated 100 million dollars into the local economy but it will probably cost 100 million in overtime for police, added security, barriers, patrols, electronic scanning devices etc.

The Catholic Governor who protected the Sandusky child abuse set up at Penn State for years as Attorney General says that they are not going to use tax payers money to fund costs of this Pape Fest. Yeah right. 

Pennsylvania taxpayers are about to get screwed for a Catholic Party on the Parkway in Philly.

Off to Rome with Governor Corbett, Mayor Nutter and Charles Chaput in search of his red hat, kissing up to the pope and hoping for a Catholic party at taxpayers’ expense for the cash strapped Philadelphia Archdiocese that must close parish after parish to make up to the devil may care spending like a Drunken Sailor in Rome outside a male brothel of the, of late, not so great Cardinal Justin Rigali of Philadelphia/Rome, retired now to a palace in Knoxville Tennessee.

The last Holy See to visit Philadelphia was Pope John Paul II in 1979. His outdoor mass along Benjamin Franklin Parkway drew more than 1 million.

 If Francis were to come to Philadelphia, it would be his first trip in to North America, Corbett said. The city's large media market and geographic location, halfway between New York city and Washington, D.C., makes it the perfect designation for Francis to make the cross-Atlantic trip, the governor said.

 In June 2012, when Benedict named Philadelphia as the host site for the family gathering, Chaput admitted he was nervous. The archdiocese was going through a tough period, he said, alluding to the prosecution of Monsignor William Lynn, whose conviction on child endangerment charges related to covering up sexual assaults of children recently was overturned. In January, Lynn was freed on bail pending an appeal.

 But Chaput said his confidence grew after the region's and state's business and religious communities reached out to him to offer assistance. Catholic, Protestant and Jewish leaders have come together to join the host committee, chaired by Nutter, a Democrat ,and Corbett, a Republican, Chaput said.

 "It's a miracle," he said.

 The committee has raised $5 million so far, Chaput said. More is needed to help offset the cost of the event and give a donation to the poor.
