Saturday, February 1, 2014

Bill Donohue May be Planning a Change of Career by Re-Defining Francis-ism and Defending the Rich

Francis and Anti-Francis

Bill Donohue of Catholic League fame is wearing other hats lately, becoming a neocon pundit opinionator over at NewsMax, that Internet telemarketing newsletter founded by Christopher Ruddy, the “journalist” that broke the story of Hillary murdering Vince Foster etc. (Sitll waiting for a Pultizer on that one Chris?)

Bill is free to let his hair down and freely mix “religion” with fascism at Rent by the Line NewsMax?

I guess if Bill needs to change his tax code filing status on a dime, from Catholic Defender to Justa Nutter NeoCon Cheerleader, he will be ready to switch the assets from one off shore account to another. Whatever.

Below in that transition phase before Pope Francis catches up to him by name, Donohue is defending the RICH, RICH, RICH. Are there any other people worth mentioning or fawning over. 

Right Bill?

When Pope Francis speaks about our "throwaway" abortion culture, or comments on marriage as a union between a man and a woman, he wins no points from those on the left. 
 But when he speaks about income inequality, he is praised by the likes of President Barack Obama and New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio. However, these three men are not speaking from the same page. What is driving Obama and de Blasio is envy; what is driving the Pope is justice. The Catholic Church considers envy to be one of the seven capital sins. It is not identical to jealousy. The jealous want what others have; the envious want to deprive others of what they have. 
 The Austrian-German sociologist, Helmut Schoeck, contended that envy was inherent in human nature and had to be contained. He credited the Catholic Church for taming envy, saying it played a decisive role in the advancement of civilization. But it had a way of springing back with a vengeance, especially in the hands of left-wing politicians.  
 Schoeck's book, "Envy: A Theory of Social Behaviour," released in the 1960s, was a clarion call against the exploitation of envy for political ends. "The time has surely come when we should stop behaving as though envious man was the main criterion for economic and social policy," he said.   
 Pope Francis wants the rich to use their skills to help the poor; he is not baiting the masses to demand that the rich pay more in taxes so that they can pay less. It's the difference between a genuine interest in helping the needy, and soaking the rich.
