Pope Francis I - The Great Whitewasher of Tombs - in the Dirty (Secret) War - now in the Vatican?

"In a written declaration to the courts concerning the abduction of Yorio and another Jesuit, Francisco Jalics, Bergoglio said there were no documents in the episcopal archive relating to the disappeared. But the priest who succeeded him, José Arancedo, sent Judge Martina Forns a copy of the record of a meeting between military dictator Jorge Videla and Bishops Raúl Primatesta, Juan Aramburu and Vicente Zazpe in which they speak with extraordinary frankness about whether or not to say that the disappeared have been executed—because Videla wants to protect the murderers.
"I’m not so sure Bergoglio was chosen to cover up the church’s current rot—the Vatican Bank’s transparency problem, the pedophile priests who’ve been exposed across the globe. It wouldn’t surprise me if, instead, Bergoglio launched a moral crusade to white the apostolic sepulchers."

"An Argentine court received documents indicating that Bergoglio was well aware of the practice of appropriate the children of the disappeared."

"Bergoglio is a conservative populist, like Pius XII and John Paul II: inflexible on matters of doctrine but open to the world and, especially, to the poorest among us.  When he gives his first mass as Pope and speaks of those exploited and prostituted by the blind powers-that-be who have closed their hearts to Christ; when his journalist friends write about how he always took the subway or the bus (a habit not confirmed by a priest who served as his chauffeur when he led the Argentine Jesuits, and who remembers Bergoglio talking enthusiastically about the political project of Admiral Massera, a member of the military junta); when the faithful hear him reciting homilies with the gestures of an actor and the plain speech of a simple man of the people, there will be those transported with joy over this supposed renewal of the Church. In the Archdiocese of Buenos Aires, he did all of that and much more. But at the same time, he sought to unify opposition to the first Argentine government in many years to adopt policies favorable to the less fortunate; he accused that government of being rigid and confrontational because it had to contend with the same blind powers-that-be he chastises in his speeches, who dislike paying their taxes."