Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Celibacy in La La Land – Don’t Ask Don’t Tell - Cover Blown - Bishop Gabino Zavala

Celibacy? That's for suckers!

Ex-Bishop Gabino Zavala of Los Angeles could not afford to support a wife and kids as a priest.  He apparently had to wait until 1994 when they made him an auxiliary bishop of the Archdiocese of Los Angeles, home of $660 million dollar child abuse settlements and $200 million dollar cathedrals with underground parking and mausoleums. 

Life in La La Land.  Only in America.

Gabino had to wait until 1994 in order to support a mistress and two teenage kids on a Bishop’s salary.  Archbishop Tim Dolan of New York makes $29,000 per year.  The L.A. archdiocese has emphasized that church funds were not involved in this bishop constantly commuting to his out of state family.  Boy, those airline mileage points really add up. Don't they? 

Could he secretly have been married in Las Vegas? What happens there, stays there?

No sweat.  Zavala can now openly marry, convert to the Episcopalians and rejoin the Roman Catholic Priesthood as a renegade Anglican and still be married.  B16’s raid on the Anglicans is just so Christian etc.  

Why is that married RC Episcopalians don’t have to be celibate???

I am just so bad at Canon Law I guess.


Santorum Bottom - Romney Top - GOP 2012 Ticket - Pennsylvania Strategy

Rick Santorum - Culture War Meme Bearer

The greatest harm Rick can do to American freedom and separation of church and state is being the bottom half of a Romney ticket.  Rick is not too smart but is capable of delivering Pennsylvania to the GOP and possibly throwing the election into the House.  Guess how that will turn out?  Rick can no doubt do a Cheney type shadow government as VP and continue to be a meme bearer for General Franco lovers like Chaput in Philly (a strategic papal appointment?) who framed the official post mortem Vatican hit on JFK's theologically incorrect 1960 Houston speech and his wrong attitude toward Church dominance in the Vatican American public town square in their ideal visualization of the future. 
