Friday, October 21, 2011

Peace - Hope for New Beginnings

FDNY survivor and a 911 volunteer are married in New York City, August 16, 2002

Catholicism - worth saving by Good Catholics?

(This is the church, this is the steeple, these are the people - of God)

If you have seen some of my other blogs, I have lent my good name as a Cultural Christian (for whatever that's worth) to the "Bishop Finn Must Go" Facebook page and its campaign to remove that pedophile protecting bishop from office in Kansas City Missouri.

Truth is that the precedent of resignation following indictment of Bishops would encourage prosecutors across this country and the planet to more actively indict these pedophile crime king pins.  

That is harsh judgemental language but somebody has to be an adult in the room.  Bishops who go into seminary at age 12 or 13 do not have normal social skills.  They can dress up in clerical garb and get promotions for being obedient servants to their superiors but there is a streak of much needed humanity missing in the very fiber of their beings.  

And this social blind spot seems to be directed more so towards women and children than men. 

This blind spot in the clergy can throw money at problems and hide behind their dysfunctional administrations but the public has started to wise up.  

Also, for a lot of good clergy, perhaps 80-85 percent of the ministers of that faith, this is a great burden to bear, the dysfunction of the hierarchy who rule in favor of power, prestige and wealth over the value of people.  People.  

People are 99% of Jesus' Message.  

It is not about the other 1%, the clergy or the buildings or the whatever. 

Pedophilia is a sin.  It is not a crime in the eyes of the present hierarchy of the RC church locally and worldwide.  If you look at the fine print and most Catholics do not - they are born for the most part into that religion - the fine print is that the RC church believes in the dignity of man but not in the dignified creature exercising his or her free will in a nasty ungodly institution called Democracy.

What Canon Law says about pedophilia, or clergy involvement in it, counts and matters more than mere flawed man made democratically based American law. 

Democracies come and go and the monarchy of the Papacy will last forever.  Whatever. When I was a child, the pope was a holy card, never seen outside Rome, and definitely not trying to be a media rock star.  

It is time for scholars wearing the virtual triple tiara to go back in time and lock themselves back up in the Vatican where they can do as little harm as possible to the church, the people of God. 

Getting back to the Good Catholics in Kansas City - St. Joe, who do not want to expose their children anymore to reckless endangerment of children by Opus Dei bishops like Robert Finn, go for it. 

Do the lawsuits. Storm the Bastille. Occupy Vatican City.

I wish the good Catholics of the Kansas City-St. Joseph diocese luck and other good Catholics everywhere, the Laity, in taking their parishes and dioceses back from the pedophiles and or pedophile protector-enablers, a majority of the hierarchy I fear, who now run their church.

God bless.  Have courage.  Be strong. 

The children you save may be your own. 

Your quest is about the future.  It is all about the children.


Marco Rubio - self hating immigrant?

The story breaking in the press is that Senator Rubio, who was until today going to be the VP on the GOP presidential ticket no matter who going to be the top on that ticket, that Marco had played  fast and furious with the truth.

He, in his election propaganda, said that his parent were Cuban "exiles", presumably from Castro. But this is what I love, the timeline. His parents were merely immigrants from Cuba a full two years or more before Castro came to power.

And of course, Senator Rubio, is a big right wing hawk favoring the strictest of laws by states like Arizona to screw immigrants, illegal of course. No compassion from one Hispanic to another? NO.  Nothing personal.  Strictly business.  FYIGM

Which leaves you wondering why Marco Rubio is in denial about the immigrant label on his parents and he as the son of immigrants.  Makes him sound like some self-hating immigrant or to be technical, a self-hating son of immigrants.
